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Sunday, March 14, 2021

what CHAPTER are you in?


This is technically CHAPTER 9 😮😳🤯🧐

As I looked back at my physical moves (location wise). I must say...

THIS Chapter is just as/probably more challenging than residing in PA, LA, & NY combined. THIS chapter is about “endings,” accepting change, & most definitely understanding relationships (of all forms - past & present). 

It’s like life is preparing me for this new pivotal age (coming to fruition December 2021). What I haven’t been prepared for drastic health changes & the loneliness. 

THIS chapter = reDefining myself/searching for my place in the world. 

All this to say...WHAT CHAPTER ARE YOU IN? 


~deeply out 🖤

the break in we

(written 3/4/21)

To grow apart is a growing edge 

A growing edge, I don’t wanna start 

The start of end 

The length in start 

The art that came 

The tears grew pain 

The pain grew scars 

The scars not healed

The healing’s now 

The art of thou...

Thou are not that

That one you shun

Thou are not that 

Thou are not 



What is it called when art comes from pain? When words just flow...

movement flows...

Your brain being programmed for pain? A previous once told me this, some years back. My combat was...I joke around all the time, I laugh all the time. I just can’t create when I’m happy. 

I’d rather go out an live life when I’m happy. 


He IS my inspiration, my motivation in frustration 


You can’t force something that the universe wants you to let go~

~deeply out 🖤